halo lights

My Favorite Zoom Ring Light

STYLING SCHOOL — My Favorite Zoom Ring Light

Comfort is Key

Good lighting on a zoom call is gold. Photography is always best in natural light, and the same lighting tricks apply for zoom. If it’s possible to face your desk towards a window, it’s always nice to have the warm natural light facing you. Usually a soft filtered light is ideal, created with a sheer window shade or curtain.

If your layout requires your desk to have a window on the side, or you often take zoom calls in the evenings, then a little added lighting goes a long way to fill in the shadows for the most flattering look. If you’re like me with eyes more sensitive to light, many ring lights have felt far too bright and glaring. On the search for a ring light that had multiple settings — so I could put it on the lowest one with a very warm color tone — I found my favorite zoom light to be the 10’’ LED Ring Light with Stand and Phone Holder by UBeesize found on Amazon here!

Because the glare that can shine on your glasses can be very distracting, I like the tall adjustable tripod. If you raise the light a few inches above eye level, the ring glow will be lifted out of your glasses reflection, so you can benefit from a clear view and a beautifully lit video. It’s also incredibly light weight, so it’s easy to move around the house and set up quickly as needed. It’s been a game changer!

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STYLING SCHOOL — My Favorite Zoom Ring Light
STYLING SCHOOL — My Favorite Zoom Ring Light

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